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China and Mauritius Express Interest in Building Film City in Dolakha, Nepal

China and Mauritius Express Interest in Building Film City in Dolakha, Nepal

May 3, 2024

In a bid to boost the film industry and promote tourism in Nepal, China and Mauritius have shown keen interest in partnering with Nepal to develop an international Film City in Dolakha. The proposed project, with an estimated budget of Rs 1,600 Crore, aims to create a state-of-the-art hub for film production and cultural exchange.

The ambitious project to build the Film City dates back to the year 2073, during the tenure of the then Prime Minister Prachanda. Since then, the government has invested Rs 40 Crore towards preliminary development efforts.

The government has been allocating budget for city construction through the budget presented in every financial year.

With China and Mauritius expressing interest in collaboration, the project holds promise for bolstering international partnerships and fostering cross-cultural dialogue through the medium of film. Additionally, the development of the Film City is expected to generate employment opportunities and stimulate economic growth in the region.

As discussions progress and plans materialize, stakeholders remain optimistic about the transformative potential of the Film City project, envisioning it as a beacon of creativity and cultural exchange on the global stage.